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AI productivity tools

BLUF is an AI-powered web page assistant that provides clear answers and summaries, improves efficiency, and offers data collection with a focus on user privacy. Available on Chrome and Firefox.


BLUF is a cutting-edge tool that boasts Artificial Intelligence technology that serves as an innovative web page assistant. One of its remarkable features is its ability to offer clear and comprehensive answers, summaries, and explanations of any web page, making it a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their web browsing experience. Available on both the Chrome and Firefox platforms, this powerful assistant makes browsing more efficient and hassle-free than ever before.

BLUF also comes with state-of-the-art usage data collection capabilities that allow it to intelligently anticipate user needs and prompt the user to take appropriate action. With this feature, you can be assured of an ever-improving user experience that not only keeps you ahead of your game but also amplifies your productivity levels. Furthermore, the system leverages OpenAI technology, which ensures that none of the data collected is kept for more than thirty days, thereby guaranteeing maximum user privacy and security.

Invest in BLUF today and experience web browsing like never before!

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