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HaveIBeenEncoded (BETA) is a user-friendly platform that enables users to search for their name in AI models, gives them quick answers about themselves, and notifies them when their name is discovered in new AI models to help them gain control over their personal data privacy. The platform also provides comprehensive guidance on data privacy and an LLM opt-out feature for EU citizens.


HaveIBeenEncoded (BETA) is an innovative and cutting-edge service that empowers individuals to discover the extent to which artificial intelligence (AI) is aware of them. This user-friendly platform is replete with impressive features designed to provide you with complete control over the extent to which AI can access your personal information. With our service, you can effortlessly search for your name in AI models and uncover the extent to which your data has been captured by these ubiquitous machine learning tools. Additionally, users can gain access to ChatGPT, an impressive feature that enables them to obtain quick answers to pressing questions about themselves.

One of the key benefits of this service is that you will receive notifications whenever your name is discovered in new AI models. As such, you are always in the know with respect to the infiltration of your privacy by such models. Furthermore, our platform is equipped with an automatic update system that will inform you whenever there are changes to answers about you in the future.

At HaveIBeenEncoded (BETA), we recognize the importance of data privacy and how it impacts individuals’ well-being and peace of mind. To this end, we offer comprehensive guidance on data privacy and the process of opting out of Large Language Model (LLM) answers. Our LLM opt-out feature ensures that users can easily and seamlessly exercise their right to be forgotten under GDPR 2018- a critical feature for EU citizens.

Our service provides great value to users who are concerned about their privacy. It enables individuals to stay informed about what AI knows about them and gain control over their personal data. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join our growing user community at HaveIBeenEncoded (BETA). Experience the convenience, control, and peace of mind that comes with being in control of your data privacy today.

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