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AI for social media

Tweet Hunter is a social media marketing solution for Twitter that provides a suite of functionalities, including AI-powered writing and rewriting, automation, CRM, and actionable performance analytics. It aims to accelerate growth and monetization strategies for businesses.


Tweet Hunter, an innovative social media marketing solution, is designed to accelerate your Twitter growth and monetization strategy to drive sales, increase client and subscriber numbers, and build a highly-engaging and relevant audience. Our comprehensive suite of functionalities is tailored to cater to your marketing needs by helping you find stimulating content ideas, accelerate your writing prowess, automate essential tasks, identify, engage and nurture influential personalities, and analyze your performance using granular metrics.

Tweet Hunter boasts of an extensive library that grants you access to over 3M viral tweets, ready to inspire your next big idea. We have integrated AI-powered writing and rewriting functionality to help you craft compelling and persuasive messaging speedily. Our automation features can help you save priceless hours as we assist in scheduling essential Tweets, as well as help you identify and respond to follower inquiries in a timely fashion.

With our powerful Twitter CRM system, you can build and sustain long-lasting relationships with key influencers and followers alike while maintaining consistent communication with target audiences. We believe that you can only improve what you measure; that’s why Tweet Hunter provides you with actionable performance analytics, which allows you to adjust and optimize your strategy based on real-time data.

In a nutshell, Tweet Hunter is your go-to Twitter growth and monetization solution that will save you time, enhance your engagement activities, and improve your marketing outcomes. Experience the power of social media marketing with Tweet Hunter today!

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