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SQL query builder

A product that leverages the AI capabilities of OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Hugging Face models to analyze and manipulate text data, with a user-friendly interface and simple SQL commands.


Revolutionize the way you analyze and manipulate text data with our cutting-edge product, tailor-made to leverage the unparalleled AI capabilities of OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Hugging Face models. By leveraging just a few SQL lines, you can seamlessly apply the power of these state-of-the-art algorithms to your database’s text data, unlocking an entirely new frontier of insights and opportunities.

Effortlessly streamline your workflow and optimize efficiency with our straightforward and user-friendly interface, which allows you to execute simple SQL commands to classify and label text columns, create customized messages, succinctly summarize complex information, and even facilitate seamless translations – all with just a few clicks. Experience the transformative power of NLP and embrace the future of advanced text analysis technology with our unparalleled product, designed to take your data analysis capabilities to new heights!

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